2016 Aurelian Lure Release

September 14, 2016

Aurelian Lure-2

When our tasting room opens at 4pm on Friday, September 16th, we’ll be releasing 2016 Aurelian Lure — our barrel aged sour beer refermented with apricots!

This year, we only have 900 bottles of Aurelian Lure available for sale (500ml/$20). The bottle limit is one per customer per day while supplies last. Aurelian Lure will also be available by the glass. Aside from special events, it will only be available at Jester King.

Like 2016 Jester King 分 桃 (Fēn Táo), our batch of Aurelian Lure is small this year. The limiting factor is the amount of mature, barrel aged sour beer we have for blending. Mixed culture fermentation in oak barrels takes up a lot of time and space. Given the size of our barrel room, plus the fact that not all of the beer we ferment works out, we only have so much beer every year to devote to fruit refermentation.

This year, we devoted proportionally more mature beer to berries, grapes, and cherries, so stone fruit took somewhat of a back seat. Why? I’d say it’s a mix between our customers by and large having a greater desire for Atrial Rubicite (raspberries), Nocturn Chrysalis (blackberries), and Montmorency vs. Balaton (cherries), and us wanting to do more experiments this year with local grapes. The Texas grape harvest was good to us this year, so we did several new grape refermentation experiments, which took up some of our mature barrel stock. If all goes well, our 2016 grape refermentations will come out late this year.

Jeffrey Stuffings
Jester King Brewery

Jester King 6-17-16-4214

Jester King 6-17-16-4203

Jester King 6-17-16-4334 (1)

Jester King 6-17-16-4164