All-Dichotomous Beer Dinner at Jester King with The Hollow

March 18, 2016

We’re excited to announce our first ever All-Dichotomous beer dinner at Jester King with Georgetown, Texas restaurant The Hollow, featuring every single Jester King Dichotomous beer ever made. The al fresco dinner will be on Thursday, March 31st from 6:30 to 9:30pm at Jester King’s beautiful ranch in the Texas Hill Country on the outskirts of Austin.

Chef Jacob Hilbert of The Hollow will prepare an eight-course dinner paired with every beer from our Dichotomous series, which spans from 2014 Hibernal Dichotomous to our yet-to-be released 2016 Hibernal Dichomotous. Each Dichotomous beer encapsulates the feeling of a particular season, and the menu will transport you through two years of culinary sense memories. Chef Jacob has emerged as one of our favorite chefs in the world, and we’re thrilled to have him prepare this unique meal for only 30 guests.

To learn more about The Hollow, read the March 17, 2016 review from Matthew Odam at The Austin-American Statesman.


2016 Hibernal Dichotomous Soon to be announced
Pairing to be determined.

2014 Estival Dichotomous Summer saison brewed with chamomile and strawberries
Charred aged hamachi, fermented wild leek, hibiscus, cucumber, henbit

2014 Autumnal Dichotomous Autumn saison brewed with squash, longpepper, and sage
Terrine of vegetables, caramelized cinnamon and lemon vinaigrette, crispy preserved quail cracklins

2015 Hibernal Dichotomous Winter saison brewed with beets, oranges, and thyme
Braised pork cheek, orange, Cuban oregano, wild water herbs, bottle-conditioned fermented carrot, ginger, turmeric

2015 Vernal Dichotomous Spring saison fermented with kumquats, lavender, spearmint, and rosemary
Pairing to be determined

2015 Estival Dichotomous Summer saison brewed with honeydew, cantaloupe, galia, and watermelon
Escolar, mint, mushroom miso

2015 Autumnal Dichotomous Autumn saison brewed with satsuma mandarins and cinnamon
Mechoui of lamb, charred bread, herbs, yoghurt, jardinière

2014 Hibernal Dichotomous Winter saison brewed with watermelon, lavender, spearmint, and rosemary
Duck à la ficelle over cedar, wildflowers, sauce diable


$140 per person, not including gratuity.