Introducing 2016 Vernal Dichotomous

September 30, 2016

We’re pleased to introduce Jester King 2016 Vernal Dichotomous — our farmhouse ale brewed with grilled lemons and smoked paprika. Like a number of the beers we make, we took inspiration from the culinary world. In our opinion, brewing beer is an extension of cooking. In this case, we loosely mimicked a very simple, but delicious seafood preparation — grilling, a squeeze of lemon, and a dash of smoked paprika.

2016 Vernal Dichotomous was brewed in June of 2016 with Two Row malted barley from Blacklands Malt, Vienna, Spelt, Rye, hops, grilled lemons, and smoked paprika. The grilled lemons and smoked paprika were added at the end of the boil. It was fermented in stainless steel with our mixed culture of brewers yeast, native yeast, and native bacteria. It was then packaged in August, and 100% naturally refermented. At the time of packaging, 2016 Vernal Dichotomous was 5.2% alcohol by volume, 25 IBU, 4.2 pH, and had a gravity of 1.002 (0.5 Plato).

2016 Vernal Dichotomous will be released at Jester King when our tasting room opens at 4pm on Friday, September 30th. We have approximately 6,000 bottles available (750ml/$14), and some of the batch will be distributed in Texas by our friends at Flood Independent Distribution.