Introducing Calvados Barrel Aged Aurelian Lure & Cherry Funk Metal

July 7, 2017



We’re excited to announce the release of two new beers this weekend — Calvados Barrel Aged Aurelian Lure and Cherry Funk Metal! Calvados Barrel Aged Aurelian Lure is 2016 Aurelian Lure aged in Calvados (apple brandy from the Normandy region of France) barrels. Cherry Funk Metal is a special, individual blend of Funk Metal barrels refermented with Balaton cherries.

Last year when we were making 2016 Aurelian Lure, we took a portion of the batch and put it in two ~225L Calvados barrels. After about a year of aging, we blended the barrels, and naturally refermented the blend in bottles and kegs. Calvados Barrel Aged Aurelian Lure is unfiltered, unpasteurized, 6.4 percent alcohol by volume, 10 IBU, 3.4 pH, and has a finishing gravity of 1.003 (0.75 degrees Plato). It was packaged on April 18th, 2017.

For Cherry Funk Metal, we created a special blend and refermented it with Balaton cherries. We then naturally conditioned the beer in bottles and kegs. Cherry Funk Metal is unfiltered, unpasteurized, 9.5 percent alcohol by volume, 19 IBU, 3.5 pH, and has a finishing gravity of 1.012 (3.0 degrees Plato). It was packaged on May 8th, 2017.

Calvados Barrel Aged Aurelian Lure and Cherry Funk Metal will be released at our tasting room at 4pm on Friday, July 7th. Cherry Funk Metal will be available by the glass and in bottles to go. Calvados Barrel Aurelian Lure is only available in bottles to go. It was packaged in 330ml bottles. We have 1,150 bottles available for sale ($14/bottle) with a bottle limit of one per customer per day. Cherry Funk Metal was packaged in 750ml bottles. We have 1,300 bottles available for sale ($22/bottle) with a bottle limit of one per customer per day. Aside from special events, both beers will only be available at our tasting room.







Calvados barrel that contained Aurelian Lure, now filled with a new project ;)