Introducing Our New Restrooms!

April 1, 2016


They said it would never happen. They said we were crazy. They said we were flying too close to the sun. But at Jester King Brewery, we don’t like hearing the word “no.” When someone tells us, “You can’t take two years to construct an outdoor restroom,” we only hear our heartbeats pounding in our heads, the opening bars of “Eye of the Tiger,” and our souls shouting in unison, “Yes we can!”


We are very, very, very excited to announce that when our tasting room opens today — Friday, April 1, 2016 — so will our new, luxurious, handcrafted bathrooms. Made from the finest Texas limestone, artisanal stainless steel, and so much love, these men’s and women’s bathrooms can be used by up to three people of each gender identity at once!


We know that for many of you, the most rewarding part of the Jester King tasting room experience was waiting in line for our single-stall unisex bathroom. While we are very excited about our new restrooms, we understand that not everyone will embrace them. We hope, however, that everyone can appreciate why we are compelled to make this change. At Jester King, we are constantly innovating, constantly questioning, and constantly trying to make things better. It’s our passion, and it motivates our everyday work. Change is always difficult, but we hope you’re willing to grow with us as we continue to push the boundaries of what is real and true and possible.
