The Hollow "Terroir" Dinner at Jester King — May 25th

May 15, 2017

Jester King-The Hollow Beer Dinner-5764

We’re very excited to announce our second-ever beer dinner with The Hollow at Jester King! The dinner will take place on Thursday, May 25th at 7pm.

The Hollow and Chef Jacob Hilbert are very, very special to us. Chef Jacob’s philosophy when it comes to cooking closely mirrors our approach to brewing. His dishes embrace the natural variation of our environment and are closely tied to a time, place, and people. Here’s Chef Jacob in his own words describing his approach, which we cannot endorse more wholeheartedly:

The cuisine of The Hollow reflects time and place and is therefore subject to constant change and evolution. It is our belief that dishes are brought to us by the farmers that we support and the environment in which we live. No dish is perfect and it is the pursuit of this very improbable realization that we find new dishes and new ideas built on a vision of the future, a sense of the present and a deep respect for the traditions of our collective pasts.

Back in March of 2016, Chef Jacob prepared an “All-Dichotomous” dinner at Jester King. In our opinion, this was one of the most special and meaningful events we’ve ever hosted, as it encapsulated our core philosophy. This month, Chef Jacob is back for a “terroir” dinner at Jester King, which will once again breath life into this approach. Here’s Chef Jacob’s description of the dinner:

We walked to the stables, there was horehound everywhere, the candy of the earth. I want to burn it down and let the ocean snuff the fire. In the after burn there are wildflowers and they are growing over the fish. Grape to grape there is a talk, they argue a bit over acidity and then shut up.

First Course: Crudo of tuna, wild flowers, mustang grape verjus, horehound smoke, ash paired with Bière de Blanc du Bois

The earth is a soup. The earth grow garnish for the soup. Tn the thickets around the jester king tables grow puffs of sorrel, nettles and there is dirt.

Second Course: Vichyssoise with wild plants, radish, smen, almost bread paired with Kvass

There are multiple earths cultivated and wild, and the distinctions often are simply order versus chaos.

Third Course: Salad of warm vegetables from my garden, wild herbs paired with Vulgar Affectation.

A fish walks the earth, hides in the shades and communes with the other gilled creatures under a smokescreen.

Fourth Course: Mackerel, mushrooms, cedar paired with Gotlandsricka.

A field catches fire and all of the earth burns, the plants, the animals. But this is not a death, this is a celebration, decidedly not Orwellian in nature.

Fifth Course: Suckling pig, the fields around jester king paired with Boxer’s Revenge.

Afterwards, it is best to have cheese and jams, with fruits, breads, glimpses of trees, starlight

Sixth Course: Cheese and many things paired with Omniscience & Proselytism.

Only 30 tickets to the Jester King / The Hollow Terroir Dinner are available. Tickets are $100 per person, which includes gratuity and the Eventbrite fee, and can be PURCHASED HERE.

Here are some photos of the All-Dichotomous beer dinner with The Hollow last year. We hope you’ll join us again this year!

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Jester King-The Hollow Beer Dinner-5879

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Jester King-The Hollow Beer Dinner-5820
Chef Jacob Hilbert

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